Write Mapinfo Job
Mapinfo uses two output files, .MIF and .MID files.
The program will convert:
- Strings
- Points
- Text
- Contours
Select Points/Layers
You can select individual layers and ranges of points to be written to the file, enter the starting and ending point numbers of the range of points required. See Select Points/Layers for more details.
If multiple options are used only those points which fulfil all the checks will be written to the output file.
MapInfo Layers
Mapinfo layers are organised by item type, thus all strings are on one layer, all points on another layer etc. Because of the MID files containing extra data about data items, it cannot handle different data items (say points and string) in a MIF/MID file set. For this reason, no use is made of the ACS layers except to select which items are written to the output files. The option will form a series of files
Strings - job.mif - job.mid
Points - job_points.mif - job_points.mid
Text - job_text.mif - job_text.mid
Contours - job_contours.mif - job_contours.mid
The ACS objects are all output according to their current display parameters. Attributes such as colour, line type (style), rotation angle and font size are converted to their corresponding output equivalents.
MID File Data items
This is a powerful idea. It allows each data items to have additional ‘table’ data associated with it.
The conversion writes the following MID file data
Layer char(40)= job layer name
Type char(12)= string type, (“Lot”,”Traverse” ...)
Area decimal(12,3)= area of the parcel if it is a Lot
Number integer= point number
East decimal(13,3)= easting of the point (X)
North decimal(13,3)= Northing of the point (Y)
Height decimal(10,3)= height of the point (Z)
Layer char(40)= job layer name
Code char(20)= point code
Contourable integer=1 if point is contourable
Name char(20)= Point name, for control points
Layer char(40)= job layer name
Type char(10)= ‘Area’ for area text, ‘Lotno’ for lot number text or ‘None’
Layer char(40)= job layer name
RL decimal(13,3)= Contour height (Z)